At the bigining of time in relation to mankind our minds where not evolve in a manner that allows to have proper reasoning in logic conclussions,in how everything came to be and so we wonder,we simply existed,no purpose,no proyections,we just simply leave by instincts,we where hungry we hunted,we where thirsty we search for water,we couldnot talk,but we did ourbest to communicate in forms of signals and sounds with a simple desire ot acomplish wherever task we had at hand,slowly our needs for finding comfort,better nutrition,more pleasures our minds where curious,and combine whith the frostration at our communication skills we started we started evolving our brain was being force to think and along came infinites descoveries,fire,wheel,how to protect our selfs better,how to orginice ourselfs,learning what plants we could eat and which ones we must avoid,we also became familiar with annimals and how they behave,their eating habits,and so forth. that capacity to analize gave us the ultimate advantage over other annimal spieces,we discover that we can cultivate,ofcourse we felt bless and also fearfull,fearfull at failure,wedid not wanted to loose what we thought was a gift,everything loock marvelous,many things came to mind,among these line of thinking,we felt the need to thank at who ever created such of things,we wonder how marvelous and generous this being must be and so we created in our minds a word that in our minds make sense so for creation of things we call that a creator,so in our minds if there was lightsource there must be a creator of light,for darkness there must be a representator of darkness aswell,if in the case of water we came with names to benerate the water creator,or mountains if our minds believe there where spirits beings,so at the begining our views start to take shape inwhat religions from all source and cultures take base part" not to the actual right view of cration but at the erroneous view of cration " the a erouneous view that there was a creator or creators and so we name them gods. through history there had being a significant number of gods ,created in our minds, and we pay tributes,we make retuals,we declare wars,we do anithing and jusified everything in the name of god or the creator,with the rightfull declaration that our actions or speech are justified under that view,that we are simply defending our gods honours,in our wrong view in how the world was created,we have come up with a very numbers of religions and very large numbers of names asing to to those gods or creators depending in the commonality of the specific culture view,exanple many gods names wher given in relation to crops or seasons,to air elements,to water elments ,fire elements and somewhere outhere we started to believe that ,that was the most logically explanation,the key answer to all our questions,and so we started to lead lives devoted to our views,admiring exprecing our selfs and forms of gratitud and wonder,singing,art forms where also created with the believe that our lifes must be lilnk to the god of our imaginationand any action must be in accordance with the recongnition that there is a creator or creators, and we must sumit our atributes to the pleasing of these creatorsl or we could harly be panish by desobeying their desires or by ingnoring their existance